Pierre Fabre engagements
Oncology, one of Pierre Fabre main priorities
The company has recently reaffirmed oncology as one of its main priorities, focusing on targeted therapies, biotherapies and immuno-oncology. Its therapeutic areas include colorectal, breast, bladder, lung cancers, melanoma, pre-cancerous conditions such as actinic keratosis and EBV driven rare diseases.

Pierre Fabre commitment to breast cancer awareness, prevention and support
In October, all over the world,
Pierre Fabre teams go beyond the pink!
Pink October is a global breast cancer awareness campaign that has one main objective: to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer.
During October, we mobilize our forces to raise awareness on breast cancer and the experience of those affected by it.
Highlighting the impact of this disease helps us to better understand their challenges and how we can play a role in better supporting them.
TOGETHER we can stand against breast cancer and go BEYOND!

All our affiliates around the world are committed to a wide range of actions to raise awareness about breast cancer. Here are a few examples of our actions implemented, often in partnership with patients or caregiver associations that work on a daily basis to improve the well-being and care of patients:
- Informative brochures on early detection and tips to better support breast cancer patients and caregivers
- Breast self-exam training sessions
- Participation in sporting events (running races, walks...)
- Informative educational sessions
- Screening caravans
- Others (hair donations, awareness breakfasts, pink ribbon challenges,...)
Pierre Fabre has created a guide with tips for breast cancer patients and caregivers to better cope with the whirlwind of emotions and concerns they may feel.
You can ask to your Pierre Fabre representative or medical information if these materials are available in your country language.
Download the file
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Green Mission Pierre Fabre
Our company has its roots in plants, and nature is still our main source of inspiration, day after day; protecting it is a duty.
Today, around 40% of our sales depend on resources derived from the plant world. Over 240 plants are used in the Group's products. We are convinced that nature is still a wonderful area for exploration, and that nature will indeed provide the pharmaceuticals and treatments of the future. However, although nature belongs to no one, it is our responsibility to take care of it. We are responsible for using it wisely, allowing it to regenerate, doing everything possible to protect endangered species, promoting botanical engineering and passing on our passion for plants to the younger generations. Through various initiatives conducted since the creation of the company, we undertake to put the meaning behind the Green Mission Pierre Fabre approach into practice, day after day.
This approach is organized into five pillars:
- Nature as a source of innovation,
- Ethical sourcing,
- A local presence all over the world,
- Low environmental impact,
- The meaning of our actions and respect for people.
It reflects our eco-friendly and socially responsible commitment to sustainable innovation benefitting both nature and people.